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​Join us for our upcoming Events. Be sure to sign up below to be kept in the loop!
First Shabbat

Join us the First Friday Night of every month for fun, food and celebration. RSVP required. Click here to RSVP. 


The FIRST Friday night of every month at 7:00 pm winter 8pm summer

Torah and Tea

Join our monthly Women's Study Circle as we discuss, laugh & learn. Kabbalistic insights and relevance to our lives.

For Jewish Women in their 20’s and 30’s. No prior knowlege required.
Married, single, dating, whatever your status, everyone is welcome.

RSVP HERE or click for more info


The 2nd or 3rd Wednesday of the month. 8-9pm

Holiday/Networking Events

Check back often during the holiday seasons to see the events listed here.


BLT- Guy's Group

Sunday, TBA.  Bagels, lox, Teffillin.


Volunteer with Circle of Friends young adult and adult circle. You can check the schedule here, please let us konw if you'd like to attend. This is a great opportunity to give back to the community and be a friend to someone who really needs one! RSVP TO VOLUNTEER HERE


Tuesdays (schedule varies, see here) 6-7:30pm

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