For Young Jewish Professionals in their
20's & 30's living in and around Fairfield County Connecticut
Chabad Young Professionals, CT

Get dressed in white and mingle with Connecticut's Young Jewish Adult Community on this Friday night Special Holiday of Tu'BAv -
The Jewish Holiday of Romance
Summer social cocktail hour 6:30-7:45
Followed Shabbat Candle lighting & Kiddish and dinner.
$18 per person
$180 Sponsor
Location 40 King Street, Norwalk, CT -
Invite your friends in their 20's and 30's to network, socialize and have a great time!
Tu'BAV- There were no greater festivals for Israel than the 15th of Av and Yom Kippur. On these days the daughters of Jerusalem would go out… and dance in the vineyards. And what would they say? “Young man, raise your eyes and see which you select for yourself….” – The Talmud