For Young Jewish Professionals in their
20's & 30's living in and around Fairfield County Connecticut
Chabad Young Professionals, CT
Jewish Jenetics
Join in a discussion about Tay Sachs and other "Jewish Jenetic" genetic
diseases pertinent to the Jewish community.
Thursday, September 15, 2016 at 7:00pm
256 Washington Blvd Apt 1, Stamford, CT - across the street from the fire station in harbor point.
Please park in the large parking lot next to the building (for harbor point activities)
and not the parking lot (which is a reserved lot).
Talk, followed by questions and answers by
Jessica Lipschutz, MS, CGC - Genetic Counselor Norwalk, Hospital
Sushi and Snacks will be served
$15 Per couple
$8 Per person
$54 Sponsor
$180 Gold Sponsor
For more info youngjewishp@gmail.com. 203 635 4118.
Event is graciously hosted in the home of Natasha and Ben Berman